Sunday, October 3, 2010

Evolution theory vs adam and eve

What if they are both true?

Recently scientist discover a possible habitable exoplanet Gliese 581g
There is "100%" chance of life there.

Maybe that's what happen to Earth many many years ago. Some alien (or god) of higher intelligent found this planet. However the environment may be similar but not habitable by them directly. So they send/ "Created" human (or early form of human). A combination of local life form(pig or ape) so as to let it evolve under local environment. They then some how try to communicate to us through "divine" means. Assuming they cannot overcome the distant of at least 20 light years too.

Then multiple tries created multiple versions, and maybe after multiple 100 of years then they can send and receive information on our progress.

Just a thought!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Saving electricity from all street lamp

Have another silly idea.

The sun is always beaming no matter day or night.
If we can send a big mirror into space we can send sunlight to the darker side of earth. It can be just a city. Hence we will have sun all night.

The mirror can be make of ice for eg. Just transport water to space and then blow it out. The cold temperate will freeze the water immediatly thus shape to be a mirror