Sunday, October 3, 2010

Evolution theory vs adam and eve

What if they are both true?

Recently scientist discover a possible habitable exoplanet Gliese 581g
There is "100%" chance of life there.

Maybe that's what happen to Earth many many years ago. Some alien (or god) of higher intelligent found this planet. However the environment may be similar but not habitable by them directly. So they send/ "Created" human (or early form of human). A combination of local life form(pig or ape) so as to let it evolve under local environment. They then some how try to communicate to us through "divine" means. Assuming they cannot overcome the distant of at least 20 light years too.

Then multiple tries created multiple versions, and maybe after multiple 100 of years then they can send and receive information on our progress.

Just a thought!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Saving electricity from all street lamp

Have another silly idea.

The sun is always beaming no matter day or night.
If we can send a big mirror into space we can send sunlight to the darker side of earth. It can be just a city. Hence we will have sun all night.

The mirror can be make of ice for eg. Just transport water to space and then blow it out. The cold temperate will freeze the water immediatly thus shape to be a mirror

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thrown into space

I was talking to a friend last evening... mentioning about why nobody does this.

Today satellite launching involve expensive rockets and unpredictable technology. Rocket science has not much of improvement since we first fly to the moon. Now that we have superconductivity train couldn't we do something better?

My idea is ..if relativity theory is in place why not build a circular super conductor high way loop. Then run another super conductor loop inside the existing loop and so on.
If the object inside the loop is traveling in 300km/hr, if it is in the the 4th loop. then it's speed can easily be 1200km/hr when view from outside.

At a certain velocity all the loop will syncronise to open up a hole the object will then be thrown up say at a speed of 1200km/hr.

The good thing for the entire track/loop are reusable. The fuel is the electricity, and since less thruster is needed to bring the object to space, the payload is lesser.
This could be a viable solution for space travel in the near future I believe, rather then using thrusters and rockets.

Atom-smasher relaunch delayed to September

It's so disappointing to hear this news.
I was expecting something will come out of the research. Now that we are economy crisis, just wondering if the govt will pump more money into this type of research.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Exercise Pill

Yum Yum.. Exercise Pill

One of the main worry of long flight under weightless condition is muscle contraction. This is the reason their are putting people on long sleep test.. Of course beside boredom.

My hope is the pill can help counter this effect :) hey we are once again closer to our dream travel.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Water on Mars and Sleeping tester

This is properly nothing new to you if you are as crazy on space as I'm.

Phoenix finally confirm present of water in the form of ice on Mars. Not just by looking at it but chemically testing it.

On a separate news, NASA is having volunteer to lie on bed for 90 days to simulate space travel to Mars!! Good we are moving .. very slowly. Bad is .... did we try to put people on a boat to test out sea sickness for 90 days before we start sailing? What has gone wrong with our adventurous character. We will learn far more and cut our time short by learning first hand even if it mean some necessary sacrifies. For that amount of money I sure you can get tester to try out the real thing in space.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flying into the space

Read an article about this guy building a jetpack at $100K for public. Really inspired by his effort and perseverance. If only I have half his time and talent...
Then again about the story of sending stuff to space using balloon and rocket at really low cost. Why didn't the big guys think about this possibility instead of wasting millions of dollars, correction billions of dollars or "high tech" expensive space gears.

I have been very interested in space adventure, although not any where near a pro, I try to understand. To my understanding, apparently explosive works because of the ultimate number of molecules the reaction causes. Since each molecule occupy a certain amount of space, when a sudden expansion of it will cause explosion.
Consider car petrol, the chemical reaction cher out more molecules then it originally has in petrol.
Will TNT be able to power a rocket in that manner?